Table of contents:
Why should you create a podcast media kit?
How to create a podcast media kit: Full Step-by-step
Step 1: Do a brand exercise for your podcast
Step 2: Design your media kit’s cover page
Step 3: Write the “about” section
Step 4: Introduce your podcast host
Step 7: Distribution and promotion
Step 9: Services that you offer
Step 11: Keeping it up to date
3 Podcast Media Examples to Learn From
Dos and Don’ts when creating a podcast media kit
Key Takeaways:
- A podcast media kit is a presentation that outlines your podcast's details and analytics for sponsors and other interests.
- To create a podcast media kit, you need to include: a branded cover page, about section, audience demographics, analytics, testimonials, and more.
A media kit for a podcast is what an elevator pitch is to a business. A quick overview that gives you a good taste of what the podcast is all about, who its listeners are, and more.
The trouble is media kits can take all sorts of shapes and forms. This means that if you’ve never made one before, it can be difficult to know how to start.
In this blog, we’re walking you through how to put together the ultimate podcast media kit and the key things you should be thinking about along the way.
Table of Contents
- What is a podcast media kit?
- Why should you create a podcast media kit?
- How to create a podcast media kit: Full Step-by-step
- Step 1: Do a brand exercise for your podcast
- Step 2: Design your media kit’s cover page
- Step 3: Write the “about” section
- Step 4: Introduce your podcast host
- Step 5: Audience demographics
- Step 6: Statistics
- Step 7: Distribution and promotion
- Step 8: Testimonials
- Step 9: Services that you offer
- Step 10: Contact info etc
- Step 11: Keeping it up to date
- 3 Podcast Media Examples to Learn From
- Dos and Don’ts when creating a podcast media kit
- Bonus: Podcast media kit template to easily create your own
- FAQs on Podcast Media Kit
What is a podcast media kit?
A podcast media kit is essentially everything you need to know about your podcast wrapped up in a well-designed presentation format. You can print media kits or keep them in digital form. Opting for a digital media kit means you can include links, moving images, videos, sound, and more.
Here’s a breakdown of what a podcast media kit should include:
- A high-level overview of what your podcast’s concept is.
- A look at the kind of content you produce and a taste of what listeners are in for.
- Explanation of your target audience and demographic.
- Performance data to date and projected performance.
Overall, your media kit is a unique opportunity to evidence the unique value you’re offering with your podcast.
Media Kit vs Press Kit
You might be wondering what the difference between a media and a press kit are. The key difference is this:
A media kit offers a broad overview of your podcast as a whole.
A press kit briefs your reader on a particular topic, development or angle related to your podcast. For example, your launch or rebrand.
Why should you create a podcast media kit?
There are so many reasons that every podcaster should have a media kit. Here’s a breakdown:
Demonstrate the value of your podcast
Attracting sponsors and advertisers requires you to show how you can offer value. You need to show why your audience listens, and what you can provide potential sponsors, advertisers, and media partners.
Put all your achievements down on paper
Along with everything else, putting together a media kit is a great way to reflect on all your podcast’s successes and give you motivation to drive forward.
A resource you can use again and again
A media kit is essentially evergreen. As long as you make sure to update it with key changes or developments, you can keep using the same media kit for a long while.
How to create a podcast media kit: Full Step-by-step
Step 1: Do a brand exercise for your podcast
Before you start creating your podcast media kit, you need to have a very clear idea of what your podcast is, from all perspectives.
You can then start thinking about the overarching formatting, design, and structure of your podcast media kit. This may well be the first encounter somebody has with your podcast so you want it to give a good feel for your attitude, brand identity, and podcast as a whole.

As part of the initial brand exercise and conceptualization, you should iron out your:
- Podcast’s concept
- Theme
- Target audience
- Aims and mission
It should also answer other practical questions such as when and where you publish it. You can use Amy Ebert's checklist as a guideline to steer your branding efforts in the right direction.
Step 2: Design your media kit’s cover page
Although we all say “don’t judge a book by its cover”, it’s still important to get your media kit’s cover page right.
Include your cover art and podcast logo. You might also want to include a content’s page to make your media kit easy to navigate. Some podcasters also create a brand or design kit that third-parties can download when they’re referencing, promoting or talking about your podcast.
Step 3: Write the “about” section
One of the most important sections of your podcast media kit is the “about” section. This should give a clear, digestible, and concise overview of your podcast. You want to avoid lengthy paragraphs or long-winded descriptions. Instead, aim for a clear and brief introduction that lays out the key takeaways and not too much more.
Here are some ideas of what you might want to include:
- Podcast’s origin story (ideation to production): You could present this as a timeline or “history” of where you started and where you are now.
- Key milestones of your podcast: This could be a timeline of how your podcast started, any landmark achievements, and where you’re going next.
- Concept and podcast description: A summary of the idea behind your podcast, the topics you cover, and anything else that defines your brand as a show.
- Audience demographic and profile: Describe your ideal listener profile. You can include details such as their interests, age, location
- Key figures in the podcast team: introduce your team. This should include your host and any behind-the-scenes team too.
- Short clips of your episodes: Including examples of episodes using short-form Clips is a great way to offer a taste of your podcast. Use Riverside’s Magic Clips to generate these automatically and quickly from existing episodes. You can also link to your favorite episodes if you’re creating a digital media kit.
- Collaboration: Share which previous guests you’ve hosted on the show and share their profiles.
Step 4: Introduce your podcast host
You may also want to include an introduction to the podcast’s host. This could come in the form of a written profile or you could play around with including a short-form Clip of the host introducing themselves.
You may also want to include information about the host’s credentials and past experience too.

Step 5: Audience demographics
It’s important to give an insight into your podcast’s existing and target audience. This is a huge element of the value your podcast yields: a unique and captive audience.
This section should most definitely include some stats pulled from your podcast analytics that outline your audience’s:
- Age
- Gender
- Location data
Step 6: Statistics
If you have access to your performance data and podcast analytics, make sure to use it. You can sprinkle these throughout the presentation to backup what you’re saying or collate them all together in a punchy stats page.

Think about including stats such as:
- Download numbers
- Audience size
- Social media following
- Audience engagement
- Chart positions
We have a blog all about podcast metrics and stats if you’re looking for an introduction.
Step 7: Distribution and promotion
You should explain clearly how you distribute your podcast, which platforms you publish to, and your promotion strategy and channels. You should demonstrate how effective each distribution channel is. For example, mention your reach and engagement.
Ideally, back up your claims with stats about your conversions and ROI if you’re running paid marketing campaigns.
Step 8: Testimonials
Including testimonials and reviews from previous guests as well as listeners is a great way to bolster your podcast’s value and demonstrate genuine third-party interest.
Step 9: Services that you offer
It’s important to include a section detailing all the paid services that you offer.
For instance, If you’re directing your media kit towards advertisers, then there are couple more details you need to include. You should clearly outline what you’re offering:
- Are you offering pre-roll, mid-roll or post-roll ads?
- What kinds of ads you’ve done in the past?
- Who are your previous advertising partners?
You may also offer yourself up for guest-speaking, live events or running workshops. In this case, you’ll need to showcase previous events and share what you cost per hour or event.
Additionally, you’ll want to come up with some thorough pricing packages. You should think carefully about how you structure your pricing to ensure you appeal to your potential partners.
Step 10: Contact info etc
Last, but not least, don’t forget to include contact information in your media kit!
Make sure to include a few different options including your phone number, email address and social media handles.
If you’re sending your podcast media kit out to media partners, it’s also worth including key links here again to:
- Your podcast’s website
- Your podcast (on Apple Podcast, Spotify and YouTube)
- A usable version of your podcast’s cover art and logo
Step 11: Keeping it up to date
Your podcast media kit should by no means be a static presentation.
You should make an effort to keep it updated and relevant in line with how your podcast progresses and changes.
3 Podcast Media Examples to Learn From
Before you start creating your own, why not take a browse through these podcast media kits to get an idea of the kind of thing you should be going for.
Business Essentials Daily
Business Essentials Daily is an Australian podcast all about business: running businesses, starting businesses, and building successful businesses. You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts.
When you download their media kit, you get access to their Media Kit in PDF form, images of each of the team members, a copy of their podcast cover art

What to learn:
- Downloading the media kit means downloading more than just a PDF. Dividing the different assets is really helpful.
- They have a “Meet the Team” section with a bio of each individual team member, whether they’re on the podcast or behind the scenes.
- They don’t include stats about their own podcast, but to fill that gap they have stats about the power of podcasting generally.
The Wave
The Wave is a podcasting company that's all about empowering women to tell their stories through podcasting. Their Media Kit is a bit different in that it’s a page on their website.
Since their media kit is a page on their site, they’ve included links through to other pages. This is a clever way to pull readers deeper into their website.

What to learn:
- They’ve included the full media kit on their website. This reduces the barrier to entry and means that anyone can access it.
- They have a full section of press images that are ready for download
- A whole section dedicated to top episodes
- Notable stats show you their achievements to date
The Healthful Woman
The Healthful Woman is a podcast all about women’s health and wellness. They cover topics ranging from pregnancy to yoga, nutrition, mental health and more.
The media kit is downloadable as a PDF and is very clearly branded from the get-go. Their use of visuals, infographics, and text is very effective. They also effectively include testimonials.

What to learn:
- Branding and visual identity is very important
- Mix and match of visuals, infographics, and text is highly effective in conveying information
- Use of testimonials throughout
Dos and Don’ts when creating a podcast media kit
Since a podcast media kit is unique to your podcast, every single one looks a little different. However, there are definitely some key dos and don’ts that you should know about. Here are a few things to think about:
- Do take a look at some of your competitor’s media kits. You should know what other people are (and aren’t) doing. Taking a little inspiration and getting your bearings on industry standards is important.
- Do toot your own horn. This is your podcast’s time to shine, so there’s no space for modesty. Make sure to highlight your podcast’s key successes and landmark moments.
- Do carefully consider the layout and design. A media kit may convey a lot of information, but it’s also a visual experience. The visual language of your media kit should align with your podcast’s overall branding.
- Do get creative. You don’t need to stick with traditional templates if you don’t want to. Don’t be afraid to try something new.
- Do include stats. As much as you can say about your own podcast, numbers don’t lie. If you can, include as many stats as possible about your podcast’s performance and engagement rates.
Here are a couple of pointers for what not to do:
- Don’t stick to one medium. Make sure to take advantage of the digital format of your media kit. Include links, moving images, short-form clips for previews of your podcast, and more.
- Don’t forget to update your media kit. It’s a mistake to see your media kit as a one-time static asset. It should be updated as your podcast grows.
- Don’t major too much on text. You don’t want to overwhelm whoever is reading your media kit with too many words. Make use of different mediums to put your point across.
Bonus: Podcast media kit template to easily create your own
If you’re ready to start creating your own, but don’t know where to start, here’s a quick guide to all the pages you should be thinking about creating:
Cover page & contents
- A clear overview of each section of your media kit
- You could also include a small note or your podcast’s tagline, for example.
Introduction text
- Essentially your podcast “elevator pitch”
- A quick overview and introduction to your podcast. This shouldn’t be too long or overly complex.
Podcast’s journey so far
- Your podcast’s story
- This should feature key landmark moments. You may want to highlight growth over time here.
Overview of podcast
- Themes
- Topics
- General structure
- Audience profile
- Any other key information.
Podcast’s best episodes
- Give a taster of some of the podcast’s best episodes
- You could do this using Short Clips (create these using Riverside’s Magic Clips) or by linking to full episodes.
Introduction to the podcast host
- Profile and background
- A photo of them
- Their credentials and experience
Podcast distribution and promotion strategy
- Give an overview of your general strategy
- Make sure to highlight which platforms you distribute to and why
- It may be useful to include data about conversions or engagement
Key podcast stats and figures
- Essentially where you are now in numbers
- Highlight audience numbers, demographic, engagement and reach
Podcast vision for the future
- This is your chance to talk about where you’re hoping to go next
- If you have concrete ambitions, make sure to outline your road map
Testimonials and reviews
- Highlight audience reviews and testimonials
If you’re pitching to advertisers or sponsors
- Details about your paid services
- Your pricing structure
Conclusion and contact details
- A wrap-up paragraph that summarizes the key points of what you’ve covered
- And a CTA alongside clear contact details
FAQs on Podcast Media Kit
What should a podcast media kit include?
As we’ve seen in this article, a podcast media kit usually includes all kinds of information pertaining to your podcast show including its concept, its performance, and its story thus far. Take a look at our guide above to understand what you should be including in yours.
How much should it cost to produce a podcast?
It depends on whether you’re podcasting as a hobby, amateur or trying to make a business out of it. The difference here lies in budget and the amount you’re willing to spend. Our article about how much it costs to start a podcast at any level pitches the budget at anywhere between $100 and $5000.
How long should my podcast media kit be?
The critical thing to keep in mind is that you don’t want your podcast media kit to be too long. This is because you risk losing the interest of your target readers and probably indicates that you’re including too much information. As long as you’re conscious of this, you should be fine. Media kits should be a minimum of 3 pages and can be as long as they need to be (within limits).