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Starting a podcast and looking for the perfect podcast topic?
You’re in the right place.
In this article, we’ll give you an overload of podcast ideas to get your creative juices flowing, no matter your niche or category. We’ll walk you through the process of choosing a podcast topic and then share over 100 ideas for inspiration.
How do I choose a good podcast topic?
1. Evaluate your fields of interest
It won’t help you to cover popular podcast topics if you have no interest or motivation towards them. You want your content to be authentic, and the first step to that is choosing something that you, yourself, love and have a passion for.
Think about what you consider to be an interesting podcast topic. It can be anything, from technology, business, psychology, even something as simple as food and cooking.
2. Think about your target audience
Good podcast ideas and topics don't just come from you; they also come from looking at your target audience. This is super important to understand because this is who you want to attract to your podcast.
What do they enjoy? Where do they come from? What do they do in their free time? What are their problems (and how can you help them)?
These types of questions will guide you into discovering what your audience might consider interesting podcast topics for you to talk about.
3. Make your podcast topic unique
You’ve figured out your audience, but in a world of millions of podcasts, you need to find a way to stand out. Thankfully, we’re all different, and we all have something special to offer. Figure out what’s unique to you and use that as a tool to create genuinely great podcast ideas.
Perhaps, you could take a different, new angle on something? Or maybe you could focus on a niche that isn’t covered well enough?
There are endless ways to go about podcasting, and no one can do a podcast the same way as you.
4. Finalize your podcast topic
Once you’ve understood your interests, your audience, and what makes you unique, you’re ready to start figuring out a podcast topic.
There are plenty of things you can talk about on your podcast. The list below is here to help you with over 100 fresh ideas for a podcast. We’ve covered fun podcast topics, quirky ones, controversial podcast topics, and more.
If you’re also looking for podcast name ideas, well, we’re here to help you with that too. Although we don't have a podcast name ideas list, we have a podcast name generator that’ll do the trick. All you need to do is describe your podcast in a few words, select ‘Generate’ and a whole bunch of podcast name ideas will come up.
Also, don't forget to check this interesting checklist from Focus and Bloom Studios to make sure everything is in order before you launch your podcast.
What are you waiting for? Read on for our list of some of the best podcast topic ideas.
100+ Podcast Topic ideas
1. Behind the scenes of an industry
Try making a podcast that explores the unknown side of something you’re familiar with, whether it’s the movie industry (or even the making of a particular TV show), the publishing industry, or the goings-on at a specific Silicon Valley startup.
2. Take your listeners on a journey - Personal podcast ideas
Are you thinking about writing a novel, learning to skydive, or traveling across a continent? Document your experience as you go.
3. Clueless newbie & Podcast ideas for beginners
Explore a topic that you know nothing about—watching Star Wars for the first time? Document your thoughts as you go. A great example of this type of hilarious premise is the Potterless podcast, where the host is reading the Harry Potter series for the first time as an adult.

4. Tell the same story from different points of view - Podcast story ideas
Want to start a narrative podcast with a twist? Consider using a season to narrate a single event from the point of view of everyone involved.
If you want to test your writing chops, try making it a fictional mystery audio drama and keep the audience guessing about “whodunnit.”
5. Documentary
Let The Office be your guide; do a study of a workplace in your community. Interview bosses and employees, take candid recordings, etc.
Or, consider making an audio documentary about something local to you. Interview your grandparents or someone in your town to get their perspectives of something that happened to them. Do background research to fill out the podcast.
6. Deep dives
Get into the nitty-gritty of your topic of choice by doing season-long deep dives. For example, Ringer’s Binge Mode is beloved by fans for being an intensely-researched and deep exploration of the creators’ favorite franchises and book series, from Game of Thrones to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

7. A day in the life of...
Interview your mail carrier, boss, or friend to learn what a day in their life is like in their particular profession. Oddly enough, people love to learn about other people’s work so that this podcast content idea could be a quirky hit.
8. Mystery theme
Want to keep your audience guessing? Have each season follow a secret theme. Tell seemingly unrelated stories and let the audience try to guess how they’re linked — until the reveal at the end of the season, that is.
9. Business
Are you interested in entrepreneurial life? Use your podcast for interviewing successful founders and CEOs and getting tips for business success.
You might create an educational podcast for people interested in learning more about business in the abstract, from supply-chain management to economic theory. Or consider something like the widely successful show: How I Built This with Guy Raz. In each episode, Guy Raz interviews entrepreneurs and shares their insights on how to build successful businesses.

Fun Fact: Guy Raz records his award-winning shows on Riverside. Find out how here, or sign up on Riverside for free!
10. How-To - Podcast episode ideas
You can tackle this broad category from all kinds of directions. You might choose a topic you’ll cover throughout your show (such as gardening) or choose a different mini-topic for each episode.
11. How-To (but make it funny)
Or maybe you could approach the “How-To” podcast humorously, with anecdotal topics such as “How to fail at asking for a raise” or “How to fall off your bike in the most embarrassing way possible.”
12. Book club/book reviews
If you’re in love with books, consider starting a podcast book club with your best friend or a rotating slate of guests. You could even interview the authors themselves if you can swing it.
13. Book recommendations
Or, take a page out of Anne Bogel’s book with a book recommendation podcast like What Should I Read Next? Take calls from listeners, find out what kinds of books they read, and offer suggestions for their TBR list.

14. Comedy & Funny podcast topics ideas
People love to laugh! If you’re a budding standup, put your comedy chops to use with a new podcast show. Invite different guests to try your jokes or discuss current events with a comedic twist.
15. Top 10 lists
Love to judge? Start a podcast rating everything you can think of! Each episode can be a different “Top 10,” from Disney movies to winter vegetables.
16. Travel
In the era of COVID-19, everyone is starving for travel. Capitalize on that by starting a travel podcast!
Give tips for packing or traveling on a budget, or you could spend each episode interviewing locals in different tourist destinations for insider tips on what to do when traveling there.
17. Short stories
Do you like to write? Consider “publishing” your short stories by reading them on your podcast! Or read short stories and excerpts from books written by others, as LeVar Burton of Reading Rainbow fame does on his hit podcast, LeVar Burton Reads.

18. Music podcast ideas
Are you obsessed with all things music? Explore the life stories of your favorite creators, educate your audience on music theory, or perhaps take call-in guests and suggest new artists based on their current listening habits.
19. Movie or TV reviews
Everyone’s a critic! If you’re looking for an excuse to see everything that’s released in theaters, start a movie review podcast. Or create a recap series covering your favorite TV show as it airs, complete with predictions about what will happen next.
20. Nerdy stuff
Embrace your nerd self! What can you gush about forever? The odds are that you’ll find an audience as obsessed as you are. Find your nerdy topic and run with it, whether it’s linguistics, coding, grammar, or Star Trek.
21. History
If you love researching obscure historical facts, consider starting a history podcast.
You could do upbeat episodes on a running theme (such as the sports-scandal focus of Crooked Media’s Hall of Shame) or give general history lessons on oft-overlooked events (as seen on Stuff You Missed in History Class from How Stuff Works).

22. Daily scripture readings
Read a passage of scripture per day for your audience, as seen in The Commuter Bible.
23. Narrative podcast
Are you interested in true crime? Perhaps you want to tell a story (fact or fiction). This is your chance to produce a long-form spoken narrative of your own!
24. Focus on what’s local to you
Start a podcast for members of your community. You could cover local government news, events in your area, or even community projects and group events.
25. Art
Explore art history and tell the life stories of famous painters and sculptors. Give art appreciation lessons. Or ask an inexperienced guest to describe a famous painting to your audience for comedic effect.
26. Personal finance
If you’re a money nerd, consider catering to audiences who are always trying to learn how to manage their own money better.
You could narrow down your podcast topic by making it about how to remodel your house on a budget or how to pay off your debt fast. Or, you could just give general finance tips, and interview experts like the podcasting duo Josh and Matt do on their popular podcast, How to Money.

27. Guided meditations
Host a short guided meditation for each episode. You could provide a different theme for each one, such as a meditation for the commute or before bed.
28. Guided workouts
Do you teach yoga? Are you a personal trainer? Put your expertise to use with audio-guided exercise sessions that your listeners can fit into their lunch breaks.
29. Podcast for kids
Create audio entertainment for children, using silly stories, puzzles, or fun facts. You might market your podcast as something to keep kids entertained in the car.
30. Prepping
Are you interested in conducting a study of survivalists? Turn your research and interviews into a good podcast topic.
On the other hand, you could start a podcast exploring (with various degrees of seriousness) how to prepare for different things, from a zombie apocalypse to your first year of college.
31. Pop culture
Countless good podcasts cover the latest developments in fashion, Hollywood, and the latest scandal on social media — but no one would approach them entirely as you would. Find a unique spin — as the hosts of the insanely popular podcast Keep It do — and run with it!

32. Celebrity interviews
Start a podcast interviewing famous people about their lives if you’ve got the connections. Though even with a good network, it might not be easy to get an in-person interview with a celebrity. Fortunately, there are high-end platforms such as Riverside which make remote recording simple and easy, while still giving you professional results.
You can take a look at Kerry Washington’s Street You Grew Up On as an example. She uses Riverside to capture her remote interviews in high resolution even if she’s miles apart from her guest.
What’s the secret? Riverside offers local recording at up to 4K resolution. This means internet issues won’t get in the way of your video quality. Learn more at or sign up today.
33. News and Politics
Are you a news junkie? Or perhaps you’re constantly subjecting your friends to long political rants. Turn that hobby into advertising dollars by starting a podcast discussing all the latest updates in news and politics.
As with the pop culture niche, plenty of podcasts are already covering current events, so be sure to find your unique angle to set your podcast apart.
34. Crafting
Do you love to crochet or knit? What about quilting, button-making, or scrapbooking? Whatever your area(s) of expertise, consider making a podcast dedicated to crafting excellence!
35. ASMR
Are you one of those people who experience a tingling sensation from their scalp to their spine when watching videos of people whispering? This response is called autonomous sensory meridian (ASMR), which is a growing trend. Consider creating podcast episodes with ASMR-inducing qualities (such as whispering, crinkling paper, or even stirring bowls of soup) to help people sleep or relax, as The ASMR Podcast does.

36. Marketing
The marketing industry is booming, whether it be social media, email, or content marketing (to name a few). Put your industry knowledge to use and educate your audience with actionable marketing know-how!
37. Pets
Are animals more your thing? Consider a podcast teaching your audience about basic pet care or record interviews with owners of unusual pets.
Or perhaps offer a podcast for pets, with calming noises designed to help them feel better during anxious times (such as travel or being home alone).
38. Teach people random skills
Enjoy learning (or teaching others) random things? Consider creating a podcast that’s all about learning life’s basic skills, such as changing a tire or riding a bike.
39. Psychology
If you’re a psychology buff, consider exploring the world of the mind. Your podcast could be about all things psychology, or you could narrow it down further into topics such as the psychology of eating, personality types, or phobias.
40. Relationship exploration
Hold conversations between parents and children, spouses/significant others, or even best friends. Do deep dives into relationship issues and ask your guests to give relationship advice to your audience.
Or, if you’re a therapist, consider hosting actual therapy sessions with anonymous audience members like Esther Perel does on her podcast, Where Should We Begin?

41. DIY & Creative podcast ideas
Entertain the do-it-yourself crowd by recording yourself building a table, remodeling a bathroom, or fixing a car. Give practical tips for how best to tackle each creative DIY project.
42. Lifehacks
People love to learn about how to hack their lives. Start a podcast teaching actionable hacks like quick productivity tricks, tips for keeping a tidy house with ease, or how to find great deals on airline tickets.
43. Food
Who doesn’t love to eat? If you could talk about the culinary world all day, consider starting a food podcast. Interview chefs of popular restaurants, teach people how to make different dishes, or explore various cultural cuisines.
44. Technology
Technology is always changing, and there’s limitless potential for content in the tech niche. Keep your audience updated on the latest news in tech or recent security issues to be aware of. Or, teach people how to use their computer or phone better.
Or you could always blend the tech and psychology niches by giving your audience tips on making tech work for them rather than against them—interview, productivity experts for advice like setting your phone to grayscale and disabling addictive notifications.
45. Inspirational podcast
Everybody could use a bit of positivity and motivation, so make your podcast something positive to wake up to! Choose a different inspirational quote or story to reflect on for each episode. Or make your podcast a study of the happy life, like bestselling author and happiness expert Gretchen Rubin does on her podcast, Happier.

46. Involve your sponsor
If you already have a corporate sponsor or two, ask them for topic ideas for a new podcast. Ask to interview a representative for a series of episodes, or perhaps collaborate with your sponsor to come up with a game.
Be sure to hold on to the reins, though; it’s still your podcast.
47. Q&A
Ask your followers to send in questions (or take live call-ins, if your podcasting software supports it) and answer them in your episode! Consider making each week a different theme, or invite guests to answer listeners’ questions about their lives or areas of expertise.
48. Advice
Give recommendations about whatever suits your fancy—or treat your show like an advice column. Take puzzling life advice questions and answer them on-air for the benefit of your listeners.
49. The gig economy
Create a podcast specifically designed to entertain Uber drivers. Take a leaf out of The Rideshare Guy Podcast host Harry Campbell’s book and interview delivery drivers and ask them for their best industry tips.

50. Social Media
Are you a member of Gen-Z and social media is second nature to you? Give your audience tips on how to use social media well, whether it be to network with friends or to market your business.
51. Scavenger hunt
Ask your audience to find and send in recorded sounds that match various topics (for example, recording birdsong, interviewing a parental figure, or reciting a favorite poem).
52. Adults watching children’s movies
Revisit your favorite movies from childhood and review them from an adult perspective. Which ones stand the test of time?
53. Habits
Study how habits are formed, give tips on building habits, or even chronicle your journey as you try to build a habit over 30 days.
54. Fitness
Or perhaps you could focus on helping your audience improve in their athletic endeavors. Give tips on running, weight lifting, or cycling. Interview trainers to get the best industry advice.
One of the most popular podcasts on running, Marathon Training Academy, has been on the scene since the earliest days of podcasting. Hosts Trevor and Angie Spencer chronicle their running journeys, give advice, and interview experts and famous athletes.

55. Sports
Recap last night’s game. Interview athletes. Give history lessons on how a sport became popular.
56. Fashion/Beauty
Could you talk about hairstyles and necklines all day? Consider a fashion podcast where you document emerging fashion trends or give beauty advice.
57. Nutrition and weight loss
While we’re at it, what about a podcast that helps people eat better? Interview various nutritional experts and discuss various dietary movements (like the Paleo diet, veganism, or the raw diet).
58. Daily business tip
Give your audience short, actionable business and entrepreneur tips to get them motivated each morning—much like Ben Fewtrell does on his 5-minute podcast, Daily Business Tips.

59. Daily stock market updates
Love checking the status of the market? Include your audience by giving them daily updates on global markets data.
60. Break down a complicated topic in 5 minutes or less
Many podcast listeners love short, entertaining bites that they can ingest on a commute or quick walk around the block. Take a complex topic and condense it into a few minutes.
61. Gameshow
Channel your inner Peter Sagal (from his popular show Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!) and host your game show with different guests on each episode.

62. A podcast about podcasts
What’s more meta than a podcast about podcasts? Interview successful podcasters for their tips, discuss the latest tech and trends in the podcast recording world or explore obscure podcast niches.
63. Face your fear
We’re all scared of something, so take your listeners on a journey as you face yours. Scared of spiders? Have one crawl up your arm, learn their anatomy, and speak with experts! Scared of heights? Take your listeners with you as you shout from the highest building in your city. Not only will you conquer a niche, but you can also potentially carve a like-minded community fueled by adrenaline and an adventurous spirit.
64. Take your seat at the kid’s table
It’s been a long time since kids were seen and not heard. Get with the times and ask kids what they think about meaningful public discussions. Not only will you unlock your listenership to the youngest generation, maybe your child interviewees have the answers..?
65. Prank podcast
In 2024, we all need something to laugh about. You could be that someone by hosting a prank podcast, whether old-fashioned prank calling or ding-dong dashing… Pick your poison, plan carefully, and record everything. Remember, everyone should be laughing at the end of the prank!
66. Investigation
Love true crime? Love doing a bit of digging? (We mean research. Don’t get too many ideas). If you’ve got time on your side, find a local unsolved mystery and try to get to the bottom of it, Serial style. Give your listeners the background using credible sources, do some cold calling and interview relevant stakeholders in the story. But remember to respect people’s privacy if they’re not interested.
67. Random Facts
Did you know that diamonds can be made from peanut butter? Or, do you know what animal lives the longest? Do you know all these random facts, but never have anyone to tell them to? Well, why not turn your knowledge into a podcast. You can cover daily facts, or you can go in-depth on more specific facts.
68. Internet Culture
This is for the meme lovers! If you’re crazy about memes and spend hours online, this could be an interesting podcast topic for you to explore. You can talk about the way the Internet has changed society and whether this is actually good or bad. You could talk about Web3 and, of course, add some humor with funny clips or memes you’ve seen online.
69. Podcast for a cause
The world needs help in many ways. Why not contribute in a creative way? You could educate people about various issues such as global warming, feminism, and more. You could even encourage people to donate or for every listener donate a certain amount to a charitable cause.
70. Parenting Podcast
We all know parenting isn’t easy. Are you a parent going through the experience for the first time? Or are you someone who’s already raised a few kids? Why not capture your wisdom in a podcast to help others on their parenting journeys too.
71. Medical Advice
We always end up asking google to diagnose our symptoms. People could definitely do with some medical advice. If you’re a doctor, pharmacist, or have a medical degree, why not enlighten people so they don’t end up freaking out every time they google their symptoms.
72. Surviving in the wild
Have you ever wondered what to do if you’re involved in a plane crash? Or what to do if you find yourself in a tsunami or hurricane? This is a bit of a more serious topic, but you could talk about survival tactics. You could interview survivors, analyze what went wrong in disasters, and hopefully pass on information that could save people’s lives if they were to experience something similar.
73. Gaming Podcast
We’re not just talking about online and digital gaming. You could even talk about Poker, Monopoly, Dungeons and Dragons, anything related to gaming. From tactics to reviews there’s a lot you can talk about.
74. Finding Love
You’re single and ready to mingle! Why not document your dating adventures as you find your Mr. or Mrs. Right? If you’re an expert on the matter, you could also advise people on how to make relationships work for you. Just look at Love Life with Matthew Hussey as an example. This podcast gives you all the information you could need on finding the one.

75. The Blockchain
By now you’ve probably heard about cryptocurrency at least once in your life. Surely, someone’s mentioned Bitcoin, Ethereum, or even NFTs. But what does it all mean? Why not start a podcast helping people navigate and understand this new digital system. This is definitely a topic to talk about in a podcast. Just look at Gary Vaynerchuk, and Tom Bilyeu, who’ve already jumped on this trending podcast topic.
76. The Metaverse
Closely related to the Blockchain, is the Metaverse. This is a hot topic right now and there’s plenty of debate towards the consequences this virtual reality may have. For those of you who don’t know, the Metaverse is an online virtual reality where people can create avatars to interact with this platform and even earn cryptocurrency in some cases.
77. Going freelance
A lot of people find it difficult to jump into freelance work. Some prefer to work for a company, but others are seeking independence and just don’t know where to begin in starting a freelance business. If you’re a freelancer, help others out and give them practical tips on how to make the transition. You could share your struggles, successes and give them a real insight into freelance life.
78. Working from home
By now, thanks to Covid, we’ve all experienced the work-from-home lifestyle. Some of us are still working from home and it’s a completely different environment to office life. You could talk about the perks of working at home, or what you most miss about the office. It might also be worth mentioning how you tackle challenges like staying motivated and not overworking when you can’t separate your home and office life.
You can center your show even more toward the working-from-home lifestyle, by completely producing your podcast at home. It’s super simple to get started. With Riverside you can make a podcast fully in the comfort of your home.
79. Start-Ups
Every day we’re hearing of new innovative startups making their way into the world. A lot of them succeed, but also a larger number of them don’t. So what does it take to run a successful startup? Why not explore this podcast topic and give people insight on how to start a new company from scratch.
80. Funny fails
We’ve all failed at something. After all, we’re all human and sometimes you gotta fail in order to succeed. There’s no need to be upset about it, if anything you could maybe give people a good laugh. You could turn this into a podcast conversation topic, inviting people to share their hilarious failures.
81. Podcast debate
This makes for a great podcast discussion topic. Choose a question or a controversial matter and invite people to debate their views. This could heat up quickly, but it sure could make for an interesting listen.
82. Critic Review
If you’re someone who loves to try new activities and new places, this could be an exciting way to share your experiences. You can review anything from hotels, restaurants, hiking trails, anything you do. You’ll help people learn where to go and where to avoid at all costs.
83. Biographies
Everyone has a unique life story and some people have more interesting stories than others. You could cover life stories of celebrities, political leaders, public figures, and anyone that piques your interest.
84. How everything is made
Have you ever wondered how your phone was made? Or how something as simple as butter is made? This makes a diverse topic for a podcast, where you could literally cover anything that was ever invented.
85. Organizational skills
If you’re that person with a daily planner, effective schedule, and know how to feng shui your house from head to toe, this could be turned into a great podcast topic. You can help people declutter their life by sharing some insights on how to make the most of valuable organizational skills.
86. Challenge yourself
There are plenty of online challenges, you could even create your own. You could commit to a 30-day exercise plan, or you could challenge yourself to see how many days you can last without TV. Choose a fun challenge, or continuously do different ones and document everything through a podcast.
87. Support group
We’ve all been through something difficult, some in worse situations than others. It's definitely much easier to get through these things together than alone. You could start a podcast to help people going through mental health problems, addictions, or even the loss of a loved one. This could be a beautiful way to share insights and create an empowering, supportive community. Look at The Anxiety Guy Podcast by Dennis Simsek for inspiration. He shares his fight with panic disorder and health anxiety to educate others and help them overcome these struggles.
88. Solve the riddle
Get your audience to think a little bit. You could give them a riddle and only tell them the answer at the beginning of the next episode. These riddles can be sounds, short phrases, letters and if you have a visual podcast, then share images for them to try to figure out what answer you’re looking for.
89. Growing pains
If there’s one thing everyone does, is grow older. However, we all have different experiences and challenges that we face. Some are similar and many of these challenges align with a certain age. Looking at how we develop and overcome these growing pains could be a very relatable podcast topic.
90. How it works
Did you know it takes over 10 muscles just to smile? Have you wondered how the body works, electricity works, how everything in the world operates? Explore deeper and start a podcast on understanding how different things run.
91. Flashbacks
Many of us followed the trends, the hypes, and the crazes that were once considered normal. Why not take a look into this? You could cover fad diets, crazy fashion styles, and even odd inventions that have no use today.
92. What ifs
What if an asteroid hits earth? Or what if all the bees disappeared from the earth? What would happen? Turn this into a podcast topic and look at theories and speculations as to what could occur.
93. Conspiracy theories
Not all of us believe them, but conspiracy theories are definitely a hot topic for a podcast discussion. You could look at why they could be true versus what suggests it’s all made up. This will get you and your audience to look at ideas, events, and beliefs in a completely different way.
94. Debunking myths
Some people will believe anything you tell them. There are even people who grow up believing statements that aren’t true their whole entire lives. Why not look at common myths and debunk them, giving people clarity to what’s really true.
95. Political satire
Make your News podcast a little different. Give it a spin with some humor and turn politics and current affairs into something a little lighter. You can look at The Daily Show as an example. Although this is originally a TV show, there’s a podcast version as well.
96. Living off the grid
Are there times you just feel like running away from society? What if you tried living off the grid? It's not as easy as it seems, but it’s definitely an experience people would be fascinated to hear about. Turn it into a podcast, and inspire people (or push them away) from a lifestyle that’s very different from what we know.
97. Teach a language
Are you experienced in another language? Even if all you’ve got is English. Help people learn a new language through a podcast. The idea is to make learning a language interactive and more entertaining than a traditional class. Look at the All Ears English podcast for some inspiration on what topics are word-groups you could cover.
98. Alternative methods
Think about alternative healing such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy, and more. Many people don’t believe in these methods, but others truly feel these alternative methods are much deeper than we realize. Explore alternative methods of healing, medicine, ways of living, relationships, and more and figure out for yourself (and your listeners) what's worth practicing and taking on.
99. Legal cases
This is for the lawyers, or the heavily obsessed Suits fans. You can talk about famous law cases and examine them or explain how the procedures occurred. If you’re an actual legal expert, you could also have listeners call in for you to answer their legal matters.
100. Science
Science is in everything around us. From the gravity that holds us to earth, to the food we eat, to the technology that we as human beings have developed. Why not delve deeper into this for a podcast topic? It’s a vast topic, but you could always find a niche.
101. Poetry podcasts
We know you’re thinking this could just involve reciting poetry, but you could do so much more. Interview poets, give writing advice, and look into some of the best poems you’ve heard each week. Check out Frank Skinner's Poetry Podcast, which covers all kinds of poems, even the classics. If you’re more of a modern type of poet, you can always go for the contemporary styles including free verse.
102.Where’s this quote from?
If your podcast covers books or movies, this is an idea for you. You could end off with a quote from the book or movie you’ll speak about in your next episode and have your listeners try to guess from where it is.
More of a visual learner, or just want more podcast topic ideas? Watch the video below:
Which podcast topic will you choose?
And there you have it! We hope this extensive list of podcast ideas to try in 2024 has helped get you excited to get out there and start creating! If you’re looking to create video content, we have a guide on choosing video podcast topics. You can also check out the 10 best podcasts of all time for some inspiration from professionals. Remember: no matter what subject you pick, if you approach it with passion and quality production value, you’re bound to find an audience that’s just as interested in your chosen topic as you are.
Want to start a podcast today? Start with for free. You can capture any podcast topic in professional quality, even as a beginner.